Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lydia's big news

Our youngest sister, Lydia has acted in an immature matter. Although she is young and not much developed, she should have had the heart to think of her family. All the heart attacks that she has caused. She has ran off with Wickham. I am such a cruel sister; I should have warned her about him. It is all my fault. Please come home as soon as possible Lizzy.

Lizzy encounters Bingley

It must have been a shock to run into Darcy. You were not expecting him. I do not want to sound self absorbed but I heard you have encountered Bingley. I really want to know how he is. I wish he missed me as much as I miss him. How is he?

Should you have rejected him?

Elizabeth men are the most complex creatures. I hope it is no rude of me to assume that you regret your decision towards Darcy. Lizzy, you are a smart girl who knows how to judge someone with their heart no fourtune that could be gained. Mr. Darcy, I am sure has a wonderful life style, but allow his qualities to judge wether or not he is right for you.


My dear Lizzy, I understand how much thought must be running through your mind. Darling, with all the thinking you have been doing you must give yourself a break. Take the time to enjoy the Premberly trip. You are in good hands the Gardners are great company; I would know.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Darcy's Letter

Mr. Wickham came off as such a dependable person. My sister, Lizzy, had the hots for him. How could he do such a horrible thing; he lied to her. I would have never guessed such a thing. Darcy, too had betrayed her. My poor dear Lizzy, I just want to see her soon!

Missing my Dear Elizabeth

I will soon be with my sister, Elizabeth. I have it enjoyed it here with my dear aunt, but I wish my own family. I will need my sister, so I could vent my feelings of Mr.Bingley. Although I should be over him by now, I can not sleep without thinking it was my fault.

Darcy's proposal

I can not believe my sister's reply to Darcy's marriage proposal. How could she deny such a successful man; she must have hurt his pride. However, my dear sister is very wise; she must have had a good reason for her actions. I hope he is not as heartbroken as I am.

Always on my mind

It was sweet of my aunt to let me stay with her, but I keep thinking of Bingley. I wonder I could have possibly done to upset him. I should have known I was not worthy of his time. He deserves better; I hope he would atl east write.