Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lizzy and Darcy's love

Lizzy is engaged to Darcy. Such a shocker. I am so happy for her. Father is worried it's ot for love, and mother will get over it since her daughter will inherit money. Love is such a confusing thing; feelings constantly flipping around.

The letter of collins

Mr.collins has sent a letter. Mr. Bennet reads it to her; they discuss how silly the though of her marrying arcy sounds. My father has such a light heart. I find Collins strong opnion to describe his character as very nosey. well we are family; he probably just really cares for Lizzy.

Lady Catherine's request

Lady Catherine came to visit Lizzy. She had some important request for Lizzy regarding Mr. Darcy.
Darcy and Lizzy have been getting along so well; it would break my heart to see anything happen to their relationship. Lady Catherine wanted Lizzy to stop the feelings she had for Darcy, and Lizzy had turned it down. I do not know how she found all that courage; I would have accepted the request.

The most eventful day of my life

Mr. Bingley sure knows how to sweep me off my feet. We have reconnected and I realized what has drwan me to his greatfulness. He had told me that he had no idea of my presence while visiting Mrs. Gardiner. I though maybe he still did have feelings for me, and before I knew it I was on my way to becomming Mrs. Bingley. I do not feel the least bit selfish of my happiness, for I know how happy this is going to make my family.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

bingley in town

I feel as though my heart has just started to heal. Seeing Bingley in town with Mr.Darcy, brings back so many memories. Mother has embarresed Lizzy in front of Darcy.


Wickham has offered an ultimatum. He will marry Lydia for money in return. He did only ask for a small amount, but marriage should be about love. Well I bet he has no intention of hurting her. He probably wanted money toprovide for his future with Lydia.

Mr. gardiner

Mr. Gardiner hasannounced something crucial to our family. He has found Wickham and Lydia. I ave been so worried. Now I can ease my mind. Suprisingly they are not maried yet. I wish they would just come home, so mother can be able to sleep.