Sunday, April 1, 2012

bingley in town

I feel as though my heart has just started to heal. Seeing Bingley in town with Mr.Darcy, brings back so many memories. Mother has embarresed Lizzy in front of Darcy.


  1. You should feel blessed that he should even wish to visit you. Mr. Darcy has so many other engagements he could attend to yet he comes and visits your mediocre family. Your mother should be ashamed of herself.

  2. I loved seeing you today. it has been so long since ive seen you. I really do miss you. Lady Catherine, no need to b rude... ^^^

  3. I am very happy to see that you and my dear friend, Mr.Bingley, happy. I apologize for splitting you two up, and I regret doing so. From now on, I am going to do everything I can to flourish you two's relationship. I only hope mine will too.
