Sunday, April 1, 2012


Wickham has offered an ultimatum. He will marry Lydia for money in return. He did only ask for a small amount, but marriage should be about love. Well I bet he has no intention of hurting her. He probably wanted money toprovide for his future with Lydia.


  1. Quite the contrary, my love. I firmly believe that Wickham and Lydia will find their marriage very unsuccessful and tiresome. Both you and I know of Wickhams money hungry history. What makes you think this isn't just next on his list?

  2. You need to see the world for how it is. Wickham is only interested in money, and with out my nephews help you would be in disgrace and Lydia lost for ever. He has no love for her because what man would treat a woman so disgracefully.

  3. My prediction was right. Wickham had a motive for eloping with Lydia. I just wish Lydia did not fall for him in the first place. He had done this terrible deed once, so I could not believe he will do it again.
